Tag Archives: Sustainable Development

Six Factors Explained


World Happiness Report rankings explained. Income, health, having someone to count on, having a sense of freedom to make key life decisions, generosity, and the absence of corruption all play strong roles in supporting life evaluations.

Life evaluations from the Gallup World Poll provide the basis for the annual happiness rankings. They are based on answers to the main life evaluation question. The Cantril ladder asks respondents to think of a ladder, with the best possible life for them being a 10 and the worst possible life being a 0. They are then asked to rate their own current lives on that 0 to 10 scale. The rankings are from nationally representative samples over three years.

This promotion was an accompaniment to the 2023 World Happiness Report. The illustrations (Lisa Dröes) bring these factors to colorful life and make us a little happier.

Happiness Video


Part of our continued work with the World Happiness Report, an explainer video contextualizing the ranking scores.

Animated by Econ Films

2021 World Happiness Report


2021 edition of the World Happiness Report, and fourth in line of the new branding and colorful template system. COVID did not stop this report and event from taking place on the UN International Day of Happiness. Thank you to the extraordinary SDSN creative and editorial team for another great year!

Never More Urgent


Stislow Design is proud to have worked with SDSN USA on their newest project in conjunction with the National Center for Faith Based Initiatives and Howard University: Never More Urgent: A Preliminary Review of How the U.S. is Leaving Black, Hispanic and Indigenous Communities Behind. This report examines how well the United States, and US states in particular, serve communities of color by using the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a tool for evaluating performance.

This report has been produced at the request of the National Center for Faith Based Initiatives (NCFBI) via a collaboration between researchers from SDSN USA (Alainna Lynch and Caroline Fox), and Howard University (Dr. Helen Bond and Dr. Clarence Lusane) with Earl Hamilton (NCFBI).

Quoted from the SDSN

Goal 16 Advocacy Toolkit

World Federation of UN Associations (WFUNA)

The Transparency, Accountability & Participation (TAP) Network is a broad network of civil society organizations (CSOs) that works to ensure that open, inclusive, accountable, effective governance and peaceful societies are at the heart of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and that civil society are recognized and mobilized as indispensable partners in the design, implementation of and accountability for sustainable development policies, at all levels.

The TAP Network engages some of the foremost expert organizations on the issues around Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): ‘to promote peaceful, inclusive societies for sustainable development, to provide access to justice for all and to build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels’. TAP benefits from the invaluable expertise, experiences and unique perspectives of its members, all of whom come together to collaborate under the TAP Network umbrella.

Stislow Design working with TAP Network designed this resource in six languages for stakeholders, particularly national level civil society organizations, to utilize in advocacy on the implementation of and accountability for Goal 16 (of the Sustainable Development Goals) and the broader 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


World Federation of UN Associations (WFUNA)

Translated into two additional languages (French and Tetum), Stislow Design is proud to continue our work with the Sixteen Plus Forum team at WFUNA on their event materials and resulting annual outcome document for their multi-day international conferences.

WFUNA launched the 16+ Forum in April 2016, a platform committed to SDG 16+ and to showcasing what it means to advance peaceful, just and inclusive societies in policy and practice at all levels and for a wide community of stakeholders — governments, civil society, the UN, regional and international organizations, academia, private sector and media.

16+ Forum Sierra Leone

World Federation of UN Associations (WFUNA)

In April 2016, WFUNA launched the 16+ Forum, a platform committed to SDG 16+ and to showcasing what it means to advance peaceful, just and inclusive societies in policy and practice at all levels and for a wide community of stakeholders — governments, civil society, the UN, regional and international organizations, academia, private sector and media.

As the core of the 2030 Agenda’s Peaceful, Just and Inclusive pillar, SDG 16+ offers a catalytic opportunity to fully realize the 2030 Agenda, as an integrated and mutually-reinforcing whole focused on advancing government accountability, building trust, and sustaining peace.

Through its gatherings, events and publications, the 16+ Forum facilitates dialogue and exchange, capturing lessons learned while convening a variety of stakeholders to advance meaningful and universal implementation of SDG 16+ and our collective efforts to ensure that no one is left behind.

The 16+ Forum was launched in New York, USA in 2016.

Stislow Design is proud to work with the Sixteen Plus Forum team at WFUNA on their event materials and resulting annual outcome document for their multi-day international conferences.

2019 COTW Report


Stislow Design helps TReNDS launch the 2019 Counting on the World to Act Report.

The importance of their research and data

Eradicating poverty and hunger, ensuring quality education, instituting affordable and clean energy, and more — the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) lay out a broad, ambitious vision for our world. But there is one common denominator that cuts across this agenda: data. Without timely, relevant, and disaggregated data, policymakers and their development partners will be unprepared to turn their promises into reality for communities worldwide. With only eleven years left to meet the goals, it is imperative that we focus on building robust, inclusive, and relevant national data systems to support the curation and promotion of better data for sustainable development. In Counting on the World to Act, TReNDS details an action plan for governments and their development partners that will enable them to help deliver the SDGs globally by 2030. Our recommendations specifically aim to empower government actors — whether they be national statisticians, chief data scientists, chief data officers, ministers of planning, or others concerned with evidence in support of sustainable development — to advocate for, build, and lead a new data ecosystem.

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